Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Our Team

Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist

Nihat Divarcı

Our Team


Şerife Bayrak

Our Team


Oğuzhan Ak

Our Team

Doctor Assistant

Patient Comments

What Patient Said About Us?

It's really hard to find such a doctor at this time, who does his job in the best way, to which you will surrender yourself blindfolded, and after the operation he doesn't say it's done, he always checks it, not like a doctor, but like a close friend, I think there's really no one like Evren Bey, I think he is really the best doctor in the world.

T** Ö** H**

Thanks to the lipoedema surgery he had done 3 months ago, I got to know him. He is one of the rare doctors who do his job so well. He performed breast prosthesis and collection surgery yesterday, I came with confidence, and it was so, thank you for your efforts, my good-humored doctor.

Şe** Me**

I would like to thank our doctor who successfully performed my gynecomastia and abdominoplasty operation. So glad I have you.

Ta** Ko**

Ho subito un intervento chirurgico al naso per Evren Hoca. È uno dei migliori nel suo approccio al paziente, nella sua cordialità e nel suo lavoro. Un medico a cui rivolgersi con serenità.

Bi** Ci**
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