Gynecomastia Operation Details Istanbul Turkey

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What Is Gynecomastia?


Gynecomastia is the enlargement of breasts in men like women’s breasts. Gynecomastia appears as a fatty or hard mass that starts from the lower part of the nipple and spreads outward. The tissue is not actually fat tissue. It is glandular tissue, that is, enlargement of the mammary gland tissue for different reasons.

In some cases, enlargement does not occur in both breasts at the same time. While almost half of the patients experience enlargement in both breasts, only one breast may enlarge in different situations. This problem can be seen more frequently in men who have passed from adolescence to youth or in older men. This problem should not only be attributed to weight gain because different factors can cause this situation.


Who Are Suitable for Gynecomastia Surgery?

who are suitable for gynecomastia surgery

Gynecomastia is a very uncomfortable problem which is seen in men. Contrary to the belief that it is caused by weight gain and fattening in the body, this situation can be triggered by many other factors.

– Hormonal imbalance: Gynecomastia can also be caused by an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen. Estrogen hormone causes breast tissue to enlarge. When a hormonal balance is achieved with hormonal imbalance treatment, the reduction can be seen in the breast size, but gynecomastia surgery is required to prevent breast enlargement completely.


  • Excessive weight gain and fattening: Being overweight and at obesity, the limit is the most important reason for gynecomastia. Because being overweight can increase the estrogen hormone that causes breast tissue to enlarge. If you are overweight, it means that you are carrying much fat which may enlarge the breast tissue. For some men, losing weight or doing more exercise can help reduce this problem, but it may not always solve the problem permanently.
  • Newborn male babies: Gynecomastia, which can also be seen in newborn male babies, is caused by the transfer of estrogen hormone, which causes breast enlargement, from mother to baby through the placenta. This situation is of course temporary and will disappear a few weeks after the baby is born. It will not cause permanent problems.

– Adolescence: During adolescence, men experience significant changes in hormone levels. Testosterone levels decrease, estrogen levels increase, leading to the enlargement of breast tissue. It is normal for adolescents to have reactions in the body affected by hormonal changes. However, it is disturbing. It can cause psychological problems. Gynecomastia in adolescence can usually disappear after this period is over when the hormones begin to settle, and hormone levels become more stable. It should be followed.


  • Aging: Men produce less testosterone as they get older. Older men are likely to have more body fat, which can result in more estrogen hormone production. These changes in hormone levels cause enlargement of breast tissue.

Gynecomastia is a very disturbing problem for men. It causes psychological problems and unfortunately, it is not possible to overcome this problem by doing sports. For this reason, every man who has this problem permanently can only get rid of it with gynecomastia surgery. After this surgery, they become more self-confident and they can wear as they wish and swim in the sea comfortably.


Age Restriction for Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery can be performed at the end of adolescence, that is, starting from the age of 17. But if there is not much psychological problem, we recommend you wait until you become 18 years old as in all plastic surgeries.

Gynecomastia surgery can be performed after a general examination if there are no other health-related conditions that prevent surgery at advanced ages.


What Are the Types of Gynecomastia Surgery?

There are different types of gynecomastia problems experienced by patients. And there are different types of cases ranging from very mild cases to very serious cases with sagging problems.


  • Grade 1 Gynecomastia: It is the first stage. Breast size remains limited, there is no loosening or sagging of the skin. Here, it will be sufficient to remove the fat tissue with liposuction.
  • Grade 2 Gynecomastia: In the second stage, there is a large female breast appearance, but there is no sagging of the skin.
  • Grade 3 Gynecomastia: In the third stage, fat removal is not sufficient. There is skin loosening that can be treated with surgical treatment.
  • Grade 4 Gynecomastia: Breasts are like women’s breasts. There are very big and sagging is severe.



Operation Period

Grade 1 Gynecomastia: For these milder cases where fat tissue is removed by liposuction, local anesthesia is applied. If there will be a reduction in operation in the mammary gland, general anesthesia is applied both for the comfort of the patient and the easy working of the surgeon. Gynecomastia operation may last for 2-3 hours. It can change depending on the other additional procedures to be applied.

In grade 1 gynecomastia surgery, liposuction is performed by entering through the patient’s armpit with a cannula. Liposuction is applied also to patients with grade 2 gynecomastia. During surgery, if there is sufficient reduction in the tissue under the nipple after the liposuction procedure is completed, surgical removal of mammary glands is not required. Sagging skin especially in younger patients can be recovered with breast corsets and sports. If the mammary gland under the nipple is still visible after liposuction, the mammary gland is also reduced by entering through a moon-shaped incision made under the nipple.

In grade 3 and grade 4 gynecomastia, liposuction, and mammary gland removal are performed at the same time. If the patient is young and does not have serious enlargement, it is highly possible to recover the skin sagging. It is much more difficult to recover sagging skin at further ages. In serious cases, the skin should be recovered with similar techniques that are used in breast reduction operations.

In cases where the mammary gland should be reduced with surgical operation, a drain is placed in the relevant area. The purpose of this drain is to discharge the fluids like the blood which may accumulate under the skin in the operation area. Drains are usually removed within 24-48 hours.

Recovery Period

In gynecomastia surgery, patients who receive local anesthesia return to their homes on the same day, and patients who receive general anesthesia return to their homes on the following day.

Immediately after the operation, the patient is dressed in a breast corset and it is recommended to wear this corset for at least three weeks without taking it off. After the third week, it is sufficient to wear this corset only when doing heavy activities during the daytime. This period takes about 6 weeks.

There may be edema, sensitivity, pain and bruises in the breast area due to the procedures applied in the surgery. These usually decrease gradually after the first 2-3 days and disappear completely.

A hot bath, sauna, and solarium should be avoided for 6 weeks because these may cause edema under the skin. In the same way, you should avoid heavy sports and activities that may damage the chest area for at least 6 weeks.

What Are the Risks?

One of the most common questions about gynecomastia is the risks. After gynecomastia surgery, there may be problems such as asymmetry, blood accumulation under the skin which is called a hematoma, and fluid accumulation under the skin which is called a seroma. However, tissue loss and infection risk are quite low. After surgery, antibiotics are given to minimize such risky possibilities. It is recommended to use a breast corset for a while to prevent possible adhesion on the breast skin and fluid accumulation under the skin.


Gynecomastia Prices

gynecomastia prices

Gynecomastia prices vary depending on the hospital and doctor. This is because the procedure is planned considering the gynecomastia grade of each patient. Since there is no single type of operation, gynecomastia prices cannot be listed in this way.

Pricing may be very different in Istanbul. There are many options for doctors, hospitals, and clinics for gynecomastia in Istanbul. However, it is important to choose an experienced aesthetic surgeon who is an expert in the field.

You can contact us for gynecomastia prices.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is gynecomastia?

The embarrassing problem of some men, gynecomastia, otherwise known as mammary gland hypertrophy. It can often cause low self-esteem and thus complexes. Fat gynecomastia is associated with excess body fat on the chest. The treatment of choice is the removal of adipose tissue through liposuction. The causes of gynecomastia may be of a disease, hormonal background, or it may occur for no known reason. When gym exercises do not help, gynecomastia surgery in Turkey should be considered. It is an effective method in the fight against gynecomastia.

How much does gynecomastia surgery cost in Turkey?

The cost of gynecomastia in Turkey depends on many factors. One of them is the choice of the clinic / hospital where the procedure will be performed. Some of the gynecomastia hospitals in Istanbul are at the level of five-star hotels. Another factor is the qualification of the surgeon who will perform gynecomastia in Istanbul. A surgeon with higher education and many years of experience will give you a different amount than a doctor who has just finished his studies. There is no single amount that can be given. It is best to contact the clinics directly and ask for details.

Is it worth getting gynecomastia surgery?

The greatest advantage of performing a gynecomastia in Turkey is the highly qualified Turkish surgeons. They are one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. Another advantage is the price. Due to the fact that many products used during gynecomastia in Istanbul are produced domestically, the price of the operation is much lower than in European countries. Turkey is also an attractive tourist country, so you can combine the operation with sightseeing. So yes, it’s worth to do gynecomastia in Turkey.

How to Choose Gynecomastia Surgery Surgeon in Turkey?

The best way to find the right surgeon to perform gynecomastia in Turkey is to search the internet for information about doctors and contact them directly. It is worth asking about all the details before deciding on gynecomastia surgery in Istanbul. The most common question is how long the doctor has been working in this specialization, the cost of the operation, in which hospital the operation will be performed, and photos of previous surgeries performed by the surgeon.

Our Appointment Hours

Monday: 9:30 – 17:30

Tuesday: 9:30 – 17:30

Wednesday: 9:30 – 17:30

Thursday: 9:30 – 17:30

Friday: 9:30 – 17:30

Saturday: 9:30 – 14:30

Sunday: CLOSED

Patient Comments

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  1. Hussein Ahmed
    29 January 2022 at 03:38

    Hi I’d like to find out more info and prices for gynecomastia surgery

    • evrenisci
      18 February 2022 at 16:41

      You can contact us via Whatsapp.
      Whatsapp number: 05448308062

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