Liposuction Operation Details Istanbul Turkey

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What Is Liposuction?


Liposuction is the name given to the surgical method applied to remove excess fat tissue and shape the body of people who do not have weight problems but have fat that cannot be destroyed by regional slimming methods. It is also called “lipo” or “fat removal” among the people. This aesthetic application is especially applied to regions where resistant and regional fat deposits are seen, such as the abdomen, hips, waist, or knees.


Why Is Liposuction Performed?

In order to have liposuction, first of all, patients should be informed comprehensively before and after the operation. In this way, the patient has both realistic expectations and information about the application type determined by the doctor after the liposuction.

Liposuction is not an operation for rapid weight loss contrary to written in many places. In other words, liposuction is not a method to achieve fast weight loss. The goal is to get rid of persistent fats for regional thinning and body shaping. It is important for patients to know these before deciding on liposuction because there are misleading articles published in the press. Liposuction is performed not for losing weight, but for shaping the area where fat is removed.

Who Are Suitable for Liposuction?

As in any aesthetic operation, it is important to have a comprehensive health examination before the procedure for people who are considering liposuction. First of all, pregnant or breastfeeding women cannot have liposuction. It is also important to consider the age and structure of the skin beforehand. Since skin elasticity decreases with age and aging skin cannot achieve results as effective as young skin, additional aesthetic procedures such as skin tightening may be required after liposuction. Your doctor will decide on these applications after the examination

Liposuction operation has some risks for patients with diabetes, heart or lung diseases, and circulatory problems. If any surgery has recently been performed near the liposuction area, it is recommended to wait for a full recovery before having liposuction. It is of great importance for patients to share all the details about their health history in advance; this will eliminate the risks.

As in any surgical operation, consultation of a specialist doctor is required for this procedure. Liposuction application is not a weight-loss method; it only provides regional thinning and body shaping. If you have weight problem other than regional resistant fats, it will be more appropriate to get rid of your excess weight by following a diet and sports program, and then apply this method for excess fat that does not go away with diet.


What Are the Types of Liposuction?


  • Ultrasonic Liposuction: This method, known as “UAL” in short, is applied to areas with tough fattening.
  • Superficial Liposuction: This fat removal method, which is effective on superficial fats, can also be used to break down and remove fats in deeper layers if it is very necessary. It is an effective method to prevent sagging on the skin.
  • Tumescent Liposuction: Before starting the procedure, an anesthetic drug is applied to the application area. The aim is to numb the relevant area and prevent post-operative pain. The main issue to consider in this technique is how much fat intake should be made. Because in this type of liposuction application, if excess fat is taken, there may be a collapse in the area where fat is removed.
  • Suction Assisted Liposuction: This technique, known as “SAL”, is applied by using a small tube. This tube sucks the fat out of the body.
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction: This method known as “PAL” is similar to the SAL method. The difference of this method is that it can be applied to areas where too much fat exists. In this method, which is applied with a machine, the cannulas sucking the excess fat can be advanced to the correct point with this machine.
  • Laser Liposuction: This method, known as “LAL,” in the aesthetics field and also called “laser lipolysis” among the public, is ideal for patients with moderate fat accumulation.
  • Vaser Liposuction: It is the name given to the process of fat extraction from the area that needs fat removal with ultrasonic sound waves. With this application, fats are easily dissolved and taken out of the body in liquid form. The advantage of the Vaser liposuction method is that it does not damage surrounding tissues while fat cells are broken down. In addition, people who have had Vaser liposuction can recover very quickly and can comfortably return to their daily lives.

Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction: There are two different stages in this technique known as “RFAL”. First, fat extraction is performed from the area with fat extraction cannulas. Then the skin in the area of fat removal is heated using a radiofrequency device. This is to make the skin tighter after the operation.



For Which Areas Is Liposuction Preferred?

Liposuction operation is not a procedure to lose weight. Liposuction is a fat removal operation and aims to correct the body contours. It should only be done for the areas where regional slimming is required. Areas which are preferred for liposuction operation in general:


  • Hip area
  • Abdominal area
  • Waist area
  • Arms
  • Inner legs
  • Breast area in men
  • Back area


What to Pay Attention Before Liposuction

If you are considering liposuction, you should choose an experienced and expert Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeon while doing research on this subject. The relation between patient and doctor is very important; you should listen very well and your expectations should be evaluated by your doctor. It will also be useful for everyone who decides to have liposuction to get comments from people who have had this operation before.

The most important issue in liposuction is to decide which technology to be used. The technology should be determined according to the patient’s body structure and health condition. Body structure and health condition of each patient are different.


What to Pay Attention After Liposuction

After liposuction, the fluid balance in the patient’s body should be followed very well. Patient loses a certain amount of fluid during the operation and they are recommended to be followed up in the hospital for a day because the medicines used in the operation lowers blood pressure. In order to recover the skin after operation, it is tightly plastered with a regional corset. When the patient stands up and starts to walk, a wearable corset is used. If you do not wear corset, it may cause a collapse in the liposuction area.

There may be bruising, swelling or numbness in these areas because of suction of the fat in the subcutaneous tissue with very thin cannulas. All of these problems go away within a few weeks.

After liposuction, you should definitely continue your sports and healthy diet when allowed by your doctor. It is recommended you receive help from an expert dietician. Liposuction provides permanent results, but you may have fattening in other areas depending on your weight gain.

Liposuction Prices

It is not possible for us to give liposuction prices without knowing which part of your body will be treated and which technique will be applied. These are determined during the examination and you can learn price information for this procedure. For example, back liposuction prices and abdominal liposuction prices are different. In addition, Vaser liposuction and laser liposuction prices are different.

How Much Fat is Taken in Liposuction?

During the liposuction procedure, factors such as the person’s age, the area of the application and the general health status of the patient are taken into consideration when determining the fat that can be taken out. Under normal circumstances, it is possible to take out about 3 liters of fat from the waist area, 2-3 from the abdominal area and 4 from the hips. However, what matters is to take out enough fat to ensure that the patient will get the most natural and proportionate look.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Liposuction in Istanbul?

Abdominal liposuction, otherwise known as liposuction in Istanbul, is an operation aimed at removing fat from specific parts of the body, most often from the abdomen, thighs, and chin. However, it is not a slimming treatment. We can say that it is a body modeling procedure. Unnecessary fat is a serious problem for many people. Even a slight excess of it often leads to severe discomfort, lowered self-esteem and, consequently, complexes. Social pressure and the media’s promotion of an impeccably slim and perfect figure, which is the basis of the modern canon of beauty, contribute to the fact that many people – especially women – do not accept their own body.

How much fat can be removed with liposuction Turkey?

Liposuction is the perfect way to remove stubborn fat – most often from the abdomen and thighs. Many people also choose to eliminate the curves from the hip and chin area. The effects are visible even right after the procedure, but only with the passage of the following days the body takes on the expected shape. After the surgery, the body is swollen, so you need to wait a while for the final effect. During one session of liposuction in Istanbul surgeon can remove around 4 liters of fat.

What parts of the body can liposuction be performed on?

Liposuction in Istanbul is the perfect way to remove stubborn fat – the most popular part of the body that patients choose to perform liposuction on is the abdomen. Right after that are the thighs and the chin. Patients who come to Turkey for liposuction also decide to perform liposuction on the hips, legs, arms and back. However, it is not a slimming treatment. We can say that it is a body modeling procedure.

What are the effects after liposuction?

Liposuction in Turkey is the perfect way to remove stubborn fat. Many people also choose to eliminate the curves from the hip and chin area. The effects are visible even right after the procedure, but only with the passage of the following days the body takes on the expected shape. After liposuction in Istanbul, the body is swollen, so you need to wait a while for the final effect. In the first days after the treatment, you will notice a significant difference, but you have to wait about 6 months for the final effect.

Who is a suitable candidate for liposuction?

We do not recommend liposuction in Turkey to obese patients, and the ideal candidate for the procedure should enjoy good general health and good general condition. Liposuction is not a weight loss method. It is a procedure that allows people who have problems with bothersome curves to get rid of excess fat. Liposuction in Istanbul is often chosen by women after pregnancy because their skin is stretched, which means that fat is deposited more easily in the abdominal area. Before the liposuction surgery in Turkey, a thorough medical interview is carried out. Blood tests are ordered to check for any undesirable complications.

Our Appointment Hours

Monday: 9:30 – 17:30

Tuesday: 9:30 – 17:30

Wednesday: 9:30 – 17:30

Thursday: 9:30 – 17:30

Friday: 9:30 – 17:30

Saturday: 9:30 – 14:30

Sunday: CLOSED

Patient Comments

Due to doctor – patient confidentiality, the name and photo fields in the comments have been hidden. You can check the rest of the comments on Google maps.


  1. Sean Martin
    17 April 2022 at 08:29

    Do you offer Vaser Liposuction?

    • evrenisci
      29 April 2022 at 16:10

      You can contact us via Whatsapp.
      Whatsapp number: 05448308062

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