Rhinoplasty Operation Details Istanbul Turkey

7 Days

1 Day

2-4 Hours

General Anesthesia

6 Months

5th Day

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The nose is the organ that constitutes the basic proportion of the human face and stands out at first glance. For these reasons, the correction of existing problems in the nose or deformities that have occurred subsequently is important for both aesthetic appearance and the patient’s psychological condition. Thanks to developing medical technologies, in today’s conditions, rhinoplasty has now become much more comfortable. Istanbul has many different options for affordable rhinoplasty operations, but it is strongly recommended to undergo this operation at the right place with the right doctor. Do not forget that there will be many different clinics in Istanbul which you will encounter while searching for rhinoplasty.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, also known as nose aesthetics, is the re-design of the nose in accordance with the face and reshaping it by surgical operation. Rhinoplasty surgeries are designed considering the person’s own facial characteristics, medical condition, and respiratory needs. Rhinoplasty is planned not only with aesthetic complaints but also with the aim of finding solutions to health problems.

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Why Is Rhinoplasty Performed?

Rhinoplasty is the redesigning of the nose. The reasons for rhinoplasty may be changing the shape of the nasal tip or nasal dorsum, narrowing nasal structure, narrowing nostrils or raising the nasal tip by correcting the angle between the nose and upper lip. In the process of deciding which procedures should be done for rhinoplasty, the patient’s nose structure and compliance with the face are evaluated in detail. More than one procedure can be applied to achieve the desired result. All these details are important and valuable. In our first consultation, we decide on the procedures to be applied together with our patients.

Who Are Suitable for Rhinoplasty?

All rhinoplasty surgeries may not be due to aesthetic reasons; by combining rhinoplasty operations with septoplasty and lower concha radiofrequency procedures, we can also correct nasal bone curvatures causing nasal congestion and breathing difficulties and correct adenoid problems and other congestions causing snoring.

You can consider rhinoplasty operation if;

  • Nose is wide or long,
  • Nasal bone is broken or collapsed,
  • The first shape of your nose has changed after a trauma or accident,
  • There is a serious nasal hump which prevents using glasses,
  • Nasal tip is dropped,
  • Nasal tip is wide,
  • Nostrils are asymmetric
  • There is a deviation on the nasal septum,
  • Nasal congestion is caused by nasal deformities.

You can find many doctors and clinics for male rhinoplasty in Istanbul. Moreover, you can reach many options for affordable rhinoplasty operations in Istanbul. But you should make your choice very carefully.

What Are the Types of Rhinoplasty?

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Rhinoplasty surgery is the most popular aesthetic operation and people makes search about rhinoplasty the most frequently among other aesthetic operations. With the successful results we have achieved, we try to explain this operation to you and help you make a decision with inner peace. In the preliminary interview, we inform you about all the details about preoperative and postoperative period. We decide on the rhinoplasty technique by combining your nose structure, your expectations from this operation and your requirements. We ensure that you get the best quality and healthiest service for rhinoplasty in Istanbul.

There are two techniques of rhinoplasty:

  • Open Rhinoplasty
  • Closed Rhinoplasty

There are advantages and disadvantages to both techniques. We decide on the technique which is suitable for your nose structure by asking your preference. We start rhinoplasty procedures after deciding on the technique by considering all details.

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  • Closed Rhinoplasty:

“Retractor” support is used for closed rhinoplasty techniques. During the operation, an incision is made under the nose wings and nose skin is raised. The skeletal structure of nasal cartilage and the nasal bone is reached. The prominent advantage of this technique is the recovery of facial swelling much more quickly after the operation. The aesthetic operation duration is also much shorter than the open nose technique. Closed rhinoplasty is considered the old method and corrections in the nose may be more challenging in this method. Therefore, the rhinoplasty technique should be decided with your needs and expectations. You should definitely make detailed research about the closed rhinoplasty method and make a decision after preliminary interviews.

  • Open Rhinoplasty:

What Is the Difference Between Open Rhinoplasty and Closed Rhinoplasty?

Each operation is applied to different nose types. Generally, surgery type is decided with the patient but according to the needs of the patient. In open rhinoplasty, there is no surgery scar since an incision is made under the nose. Opening the nose makes working conditions easier for doctors.

In closed rhinoplasty surgery, the nose is enlarged with retractor support. The advantage of this technique is that the operation takes less time and facial swelling disappears much more quickly. It is considered the old method but definitely requires expertise and experience.

Operation Period

Healthy communication between patient and doctor is very important to have successful results. Doctor and patient communication ensure that the operation is positive and the result is positive. To understand and evaluate the wishes of patient correctly and to synthesize them very well and to perform the operation in the most compatible way with the face is our priority.

During examinations before the surgery, the patient’s bone structure and cartilage tissue, face shape, skin structure, age and expectations are taken into consideration. Thus, it is important to inform the patient in the most accurate way about the technique to be used, the price of the operation and the possible risks. Regulations are made on the lifestyle habits of the patient, medicines being used, and the existing diseases. When necessary, planning is made such as nutritional program suggestions, cessation of smoking and alcohol, rearrangement of medications, and vitamin support.

Patient should come to clinic with an empty stomach before the operation. Operations can be performed with local anesthesia if desired, but we prefer general anesthesia. Although there is no pain sensation in local anesthesia, it is common to prefer general anesthesia because patients become more comfortable and surgeons carry out the procedure more easily.

The procedure is carried out in accordance with the chosen technique among open or closed methods. The operation can last for 1-2 hours. However, since the nose structure of each patient and the procedures to be performed change, the most correct information about operation duration is told the patient.

Incisions on nose are very thin in rhinoplasty operations and they are closed by aesthetic stitches at the end of the surgery. The stitches applied in nose are dissolvable and there is no need for suture removal afterwards; these incisions are closed by themselves.

Recovery Period

Recovery period after rhinoplasty operations changes depending on the operation type and procedures applied during operation. Patients generally start to stand up and walk within 4-6 days after the operation. If there is no nausea or vomiting during the first 6 months after the operation, the patient can start eating. Patients are sometimes discharged on the same day but sometimes stay at hospital for one night. Tampon is generally placed into the nose after operation. These tampons are removed after 1-2 days.

If there is no complication after the operation, patients can return to work after about 1 week to 10 days. It is normal to have postoperative swelling and bruising, and these fade over time and can be hidden with make-up in 1 week-10 day. In order to prevent bleeding, the pillow on which the patient will lie down should be kept high and no water should be taken into the nose for the first 15 days, and the patient should not blow their nose vigorously. Istanbul will also provide you with convenience in terms of your rest after rhinoplasty.

What Are the Risks?

Surgery without risks is unfortunately not possible. The most common problems in rhinoplasty surgeries may be bleeding, infection, and anesthesia problems. Patients must be informed about these before the surgery. We cannot say that there will be risks after surgery or they will not be at all, but we can minimize the possibility of these risks with the rules to be followed.

Age Restriction

There is an age restriction for rhinoplasty surgeries as well. The minimum age is 17 for women and 18 for men. It is important to complete bone development, if necessary, the surgery can be delayed waiting this period.

There is no maximum age limit for nasal surgery if the patient does not have a health problem that prevents surgery and does not use heavy drugs.

If nasal congestion in children is serious and it prevents their development and makes, surgery can be performed at an earlier age. However, since bone development will be completed in the following years, revision surgery may be required later.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)?

The appearance of our nose can radically affect how the environment will perceive us and what we will think about our appearance. In the case of a disproportionately large, wide or asymmetrical nose, the rest of the face will not look good – many people experience disturbed well-being and low self-esteem. The rhinoplasty procedure in Turkey helps to solve all problems related to the appearance, shape and location of our nose. Rhinoplasty also helps to deal with health problems caused by the curvature of the septum, such as snoring, difficulty breathing, hypoxia, and constant feeling of tiredness and drowsiness.

What is the best age for a nose job?

There is no best age to have nose surgery in Istanbul. It is important that the patient is of legal age, fully physically and mentally healthy. Both a man and a woman who want to change the shape of their nose can come to rhinoplasty in Turkey. Nose correction in Turkey is also sometimes a way to deal with snoring, breathing and fatigue problems caused by a curvature of the septum.

Rhinoplasty’s Procedure Steps

Rhinoplasty in Istanbul in most cases is performed under general anesthesia; Local anesthesia may be used possibly during minor procedures, such as for the correction of the wings of the nose. Depending on the operated area and the expected effects, the procedure is closed or open. Open surgery is preferred during full correction when all the anatomical structures of the nose must be visible, and most surgeons also prefer this technique due to the fact that only a small, invisible scar remains. Closed surgery concerns the correction of e.g. a separated hump, leveling imperfections of the tip of the nose or its wings.

How Much Does Nose Job in Turkey Cost?

The cost of rhinoplasty in Turkey depends on many factors. One of them is the choice of the clinic / hospital where the procedure will be performed. Some of Istanbul’s hospitals are at the level of five-star hotels. Another factor is the qualification of the Istanbul surgeon who will perform rhinoplasty. A surgeon with higher education and many years of experience will give you a different amount than a doctor who has just graduated. There is no single amount that can be given. It is best to contact the clinics directly and ask for details.

Our Appointment Hours

Monday: 9:30 – 17:30

Tuesday: 9:30 – 17:30

Wednesday: 9:30 – 17:30

Thursday: 9:30 – 17:30

Friday: 9:30 – 17:30

Saturday: 9:30 – 14:30

Sunday: CLOSED

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