Breast Aesthetic
  • by Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi
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Breast augmentation, breast reduction and breast lift surgeries are performed within the scope of breast aesthetics, which are performed for women to have breasts that are in ideal size, compatible with the rest of their bodies and that look more aesthetically pleasing. Breast aesthetic surgeries are among the most preferred aesthetic operations among women. Breast aesthetic surgeries can be performed both for aesthetic concerns and for the purpose of eliminating health problems. 

The number of women who have breast aesthetics is increasing day by day, and women prefer surgical operation to relieve their breast complaints. In breast reduction aesthetic surgeries, the breast tissue that is considered normal or smaller compared to the ideal woman’s body is enlarged. Thus, a more aesthetic appearance is obtained.  Breast reduction aesthetic surgeries are usually performed to eliminate the negative effects on the health of the patient and to increase the quality of life of the person. The fact that the breasts are larger than normal can lead to deformations that cause women to experience health problems. Large breasts can cause undesirable results such as lower back and back pain and shoulder curvature, negatively affecting the quality of life. Breasts that have been deformed due to different reasons over time can be regained their old forms through breast lift surgery. 

The most applied type of breast aesthetics is breast augmentation surgery. Women who are not satisfied with the size of their breasts and who want to have larger breasts can achieve these wishes with prosthesis application. Breast aesthetic surgeries are also frequently applied to correct deformed breasts. Generally, breast aesthetic surgeries are preferred to remove sagging that occurs after pregnancy and breastfeeding. 

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation, which is one of the most preferred types of breast aesthetics by women, is generally applied to bring the breasts to the ideal size. It can be applied in cases where there are differences between the sizes of the breasts, deformations and sagging of the breast tissue due to changes in weight, breast loss due to any disease. Especially in cases where breast tissue is removed as a result of diseases such as cancer, breast augmentation aesthetic operations are applied. Breast augmentation surgery is usually applied to people over the age of 18 whose breast development has been completed. The prostheses to be applied before the surgery are determined by the doctor and the patient according to the patient’s expectations and body structure. In determining the size of the prosthesis, many factors such as the patient’s weight, height, and general body contours are evaluated. Selected prostheses are placed in breast augmentation surgery performed under general anesthesia. The surgical technique to be applied is determined by the patient as a result of the doctor’s evaluation.

Since the breast tissue is not removed during breast augmentation surgery, the milk ducts are not damaged. Accordingly, after breast augmentation surgery, women do not face any problems with breastfeeding.

Breast Reduction Surgery

It is applied to increase the patient’s life comfort by eliminating the patient’s aesthetic concerns and health problems caused by the size of the breasts. Breasts that are larger than normal can cause chronic back and lower back pain. The pressure of the bra straps can cause inward collapse and deformation of the shoulders. In addition, infections and allergies may occur between and under the breasts. Because of such problems, women may have problems during their daily activities. Breast reduction surgery can be performed under general anesthesia by applying different techniques. The technique to be applied is determined for the patient. The tissues in the breast tissue are removed and the breasts are reshaped. Breast reduction surgery is usually performed in combination with breast lift surgery.

Breast Lift Aesthetic Surgery

It is applied to eliminate sagging and deformities caused by deformations in the chest area. After the deformities and deformations in question are removed, the breast is reshaped. Breast lift surgery is generally preferred after pregnancy and breastfeeding or in cases where serious changes in weight occur. Deformities and sagging due to aging can also be removed by breast lift aesthetic surgery. If necessary, prosthesis can be applied simultaneously.

Breast Aesthetics Creates Positive Psychological Effects on Women

Breast aesthetics can be preferred depending on biological and spiritual needs. Aesthetic surgeons make the planning of each operation individually. However, it is very important for the patient to have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of the operation. Otherwise, the doctor must give the necessary directions and information. In addition, only the patient’s expectations should not be considered during planning. The needs and body structure of the patient should also be taken into account, and accordingly, operations should be performed in such a way that the best result that is most compatible with the body is obtained. 

The recovery process after breast aesthetic surgery has become extremely comfortable depending on the developments in technology and the techniques applied. In addition, the experience and expertise of the doctor come to the fore at the point of the success of the operation and a healthy recovery process. Likewise, it is very important for the patient to regularly take the drugs prescribed to them after the operation and to follow the doctor’s recommendations exactly for a comfortable recovery process. If all these points are followed, a short and painless recovery period is experienced after breast aesthetic surgeries. 


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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