Breast Lift
  • by Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi
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Breasts are one of the most important elements of the aesthetic appearance of women. Elastic structure may be lost in the skin and intramammary connective tissues depending on pregnancy, weight gain, breastfeeding or time. As a result, the breasts soften, sag and lose their shape. 

In women whose breasts are larger than normal, sagging occurs at an earlier age. In cases where the wrong bra is used, the breasts may lose their vitality earlier. The nipple should normally be above the breast fold line. In sagging breasts, the nipple is at the same level or below the breast fold line. This may vary depending on the degree of sagging.

Breast lift aesthetic surgery is performed in order for the breasts that have sagging at various levels to regain an upright appearance. Within the scope of this surgical intervention, in addition to moving the nipples to the point where they should be, the breast tissue is reshaped and excess skin is removed. If the breasts are too large, it is preferred to remove the excess breast tissue in the area, and if the breasts are smaller than normal, silicone prosthesis application is preferred.

It can be applied to almost any woman who needs breast lift surgery. However, in order for the results of breast lift surgery to be permanent and the breast tissue to be preserved for a long time, breast lift surgery should be postponed until after delivery in women who are planning pregnancy and if the person has excess weight, they should lose it first.

Who is Suitable for Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast lift aesthetic surgery can be applied to women over the age of 18 unless there is a medical necessity, as is the case with all other aesthetic surgeries. Breast lift aesthetic surgery can be performed if the breasts lose their upright appearance due to the effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding or gravity. 

Breasts may sag earlier in women who gain and lose weight frequently and whose breasts are larger than normal. In this case, the desired appearance can be achieved by performing breast lift surgery.

Breast lift surgery can also be applied to people who are not satisfied with the current size and appearance of their breasts. For women who are planning pregnancy, breast lift surgery should be postponed until after delivery and breastfeeding. 

How is the Breast Lift Procedure Applied?

Breast lift surgery, i.e. mastopexy, is performed with techniques determined specifically for the person. If the patient’s breasts are small, it is possible to make the breasts look upright by placing silicone under the skin and removing excess breast tissue if they are large. It may also be possible to eliminate asymmetries of the breasts with breast lift surgery.

Before breast lift surgery, the patient undergoes a detailed examination. The position of the nipple is evaluated according to the patient’s breast tissue and the breast fold line. In addition, the patient’s expectations from the operation and how she wants to look like are learned. As a result of these evaluations, the degree of sagging is determined and detailed information is given to the patient about the scope of the operation. 

Before the operation, some examinations are performed and it is investigated whether there is an obstacle to the operation. It is learned whether the patient has previous operations and medications that she regularly takes. After the completion of processes such as mammography and ultrasound examinations, the date of the operation is determined. 

Breast lift surgery is a procedure performed under general anesthesia. The breast tissue of the patient is shaped and the nipples are placed in the planned place according to the breast fold line. If the breasts are smaller than normal, a silicone prosthesis is placed, if they are large, excess tissue is removed. If necessary, the procedure is completed by removing the excess skin in the relevant area.

Breast lift surgery is usually completed within 2 hours. The duration of the operation may vary depending on the size of the sagging of the breasts, the position and size of the breast and areola, how much excess skin is present, and skin type. 

Recovery Process After Breast Lift Surgery

It is normal to experience some swelling in and around the breasts after breast lift surgery. Even though the swelling starts to go down in the first week after the operation, the breasts appear steeper and higher than they should be in this process. One month after the operation, both the breast and the under-breast fold begin to reach their natural state. 

About 3 hours after breast lift surgery, the patient is usually stood up and can start feeding. Unless otherwise stated, the patient can take a shower on the second day. In the first 3 weeks after the operation, a sports bra with the feature of grasping and supporting the breasts should be used, and sports activities should be avoided. After the 3rd week is completed, sports that do not require arm and chest movements and are not challenging for these areas can be started.

The recovery process and the time to return to normal activities may actually vary from person to person. In order to experience a healthy and fast recovery process, the doctor’s recommendations should be followed exactly and the prescribed medications should be used regularly. 

After breast lift surgery, the breasts take their final shape in about 3 months. As is the case with all surgical operations, it is natural that there are scars in breast lift surgery. The scars left in the surgeries performed with the techniques applied today are at a level that cannot be noticed unless they are looked very carefully. Surgical scars are more difficult to notice, especially in dark-skinned people. Although it is possible to experience temporary loss of sensation after breast lift surgery, this situation will improve in the future. However, when the nipple is moved to a different position, permanent loss of sensation may occur, albeit rarely.


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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