liposuction nasıl yapılır
  • by Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi
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Liposuction, which is extremely popular among the regional slimming methods, is quite effective for people who have fat depositions in certain areas of their bodies that are resistant to regular exercise and diet. In the liposuction method, the resistant fat tissue in people who are found to be fit for the application is taken out. The goal with the liposuction procedure is to give the patient’s body a more esthetic appearance and take out the fats that have accumulated in certain areas which give them discomfort. Liposuction can be done on many different areas in the body with resistant fat depositions including the buttocks, hips, waist, abdomen.

The subcutaneous fat tissue in the human body is not equal in intensity in every area of the body. It might differ depending on hormonal and genetic factors. Liposuction is an extremely effective procedure in people who have stubborn regional fat depositions despite being their normal or close to normal weight and it can be done with different techniques. In the classic liposuction method, 3-5 mm incisions are made on the points that are determined on the area of the application. A special solution is injected into the fat tissue in the area through the incisions that are made. The fats that need to be broken down and removed from the body liquify with the effect of the injected solution. The fats that are liquified using the specially designed cannulas that are connected to a vacuum pump are taken out from the area of application.

And in the Vaser liposuction method which is done using the Vaser device, the excess fat depositions in the body are liquified using ultrasonic sound waves, unlike the classic liposuction. The fats that are liquified are then taken out with the cannulas. The Vaser liposuction method does not pose a risk of damaging the nerves or the veins due to the method of application and the structure of the cannulas that are used. Post-op bruising, edema and swelling are seen much less frequently compared to the classic liposuction method. Also, sagging is less likely to occur in the method which gets the skin to get tighter. Because the veins are not in any way damaged, bleeding and bruising are rarely seen.

Who can Get Liposuction Done?

Vücuttaki inatçı yağ birikintilerinin giderilmesi amacıyla uygulanan liposuction yöntemi hastaların özgüvenini ve yaşam kalitesini yükseltme etkisine sahiptir. Herhangi bir sağlık sorunu olmayan, hamilelik ve emzirme döneminde bulunmayan, normal kilosunda yakın ya da normal kilosuna yakın olan, spora ve diyete dirençli bölgesel yağlanma sorunu yaşayan hemen herkese liposuction yöntemi uygulanabilir. Liposuction uygulamasında yaş belirleyici olmayıp değerlendirme kişi özelinde yapılır. Ancak yaşın ilerlemesiyle birlikte cilt elastikiyetinin kaybolması dolayısıyla liposuctiondan etkili sonuçların alınabilmesi için cilt germe gibi ek operasyonlara ihtiyaç duyulması olasıdır.

Liposuction hem erkeklere hem kadınlara uygulanabilen bir prosedürdür. Kadınlarda genellikle karın, kalça, basen, bel, sırt, gıdı, ayak bilekler, kol altı, bacakların iç ve üst kısımları ile dizlerin içi gibi bölgelere uygulanabilir. Erkeklerde ise genellikle bel çevresine, karın ve gıdı bölgesine liposuction prosedürünün uygulanması tercih edilir.

Are the Results of Liposuction Permanent?

The most important fact to remember about liposuction is that it is not a true method to lose weight. Liposuction is basically a procedure to shape the body. It is done to slim down and reshape the body by means of removing the excess fats in certain areas. The results obtained as after the liposuction method are permanent, although it is essential for the patient to be careful about weight control. Because the number of the fat cells in the body do not increase after a certain age, new fat cells do not come into the areas where liposuction is applied. However, an unwanted situation like expansion in the fat cells can occur. Therefore, the patients should exercise regularly and follow a balanced diet program after the liposuction procedure.

What to Watch out for after the Liposuction Application?

liposuction sonra dikkat edilmesi gerekenler

In order for the patients to experience a fast recovery period after the liposuction procedure, it is recommended that the patient gets up and moves around as much as possible on the same day. Patients applying lymphatic drainage massage before and after the operation is also considered to have an effect that accelerates the recovery process.

It is considered normal to feel a certain amount of pain during the 3-4-day period after the application. The pain that is felt is usually at a level that can be relieved with simple painkillers to be prescribed by the doctor. In the liposuction operation, minimal incisions are made on the area of application so that cannulas can enter certain points. These incisions are sown shut at the end of the application. The stitches are taken out usually after a week.

Patients going through liposuction procedure can go back to their jobs 3-7 days after the application under normal circumstances. However, a 3-4-week period is needed for the body to fully recover and start shaping better. It is vital that the patient wears a sports corset during this time.

The patients are asked to go on 45-minute walks every day 2 weeks after the procedure, though this might vary depending on the personal recovery process, so the doctor’s approval must absolutely be taken. It is usually recommended to wait at least 6 weeks before starting heavy exercise. The swellings and stiffnesses that might occur after the surgery usually resolve on their own within 2 months on average. During this time, applying a cold massage or a lymphatic drainage massage is an effective method. In order for the patients to fully recover and fully observe the effects of the operation after the liposuction procedure, a 6-9-month time is needed on average.


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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