how is producedd
  • by Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi
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how is producedd

Blood, a crucial fluid for the human body, flows regularly in the veins and accounts for roughly one-third of body weight. “Plasma” refers to the liquid portion of the blood that exists outside of the cellular parts. The plasma’s job is to carry amino acids, elements, carbohydrates, and other vital compounds to the tissues. The plasma’s job is to carry amino acids, elements, carbohydrates, and other vital compounds to the tissues. Platelets are one of the most critical blood cells; when vascular integrity is compromised, they halt bleeding and begin mending. Platelets include a large number of growth factors and cytokines. Platelets allow wounds to heal because of this property. The recognition of these advantages of platelets is the primary reason for their usage in a variety of medical sectors. Platelets utilized to repair injured tissues to normal function have yielded extremely positive outcomes. For these reasons, the PRP procedure, which uses platelet-rich blood cells derived from the patient’s own blood, is particularly beneficial.

In Which Situations Is PRP Used?

PRP is utilized in dentistry and for cosmetic purposes, as well as to treat non-healing wounds, vascular issues, and orthopedic issues.

Wrinkles, skin fissures, blemishes, acne, and scars are among of the most common places where PRP is used. The drooping and wrinkle signs on the skin begin to fade after application. Using PRP therapy in conjunction with other treatments like as laser or peeling not only expedites the treatment process, but also gives long-term benefits.

The PRP therapy provides face rejuvenation, improvement, and repair by using a particular portion isolated from the patient’s blood to enhance the skin. The patient’s blood is centrifuged, and the portion rich in platelets and growth factors is isolated. Plasma, the liquid component of blood, enabling red and white blood cells to travel through the circulation. It is mostly made up of water and proteins. Protein content mostly consists of growth factors that promote tissue regeneration, repair, and blood flow.

Platelets are red blood cells that aid in the clotting process and play an important part in the healing process. Platelets and growth factors comprising these factors are delivered to damaged areas in the body to treat tendons, muscles, skin, ligaments, or joints. PRP, which is high in platelets and growth factors, is frequently utilized in aesthetic operations to rejuvenate the face. PRP’s major chemical components have the capacity to stimulate collagen development.

PRP can be used on people of all ages and genders; however, it should not be used on cancer patients or those with low platelet counts. PRP is typically administered in three or four treatments spaced two weeks apart. The patient’s frequency and number of applications should be established.

The PRP technique is a treatment that may be used to prevent hair loss and strengthen existing hair. PRP, which is made from the patient’s own blood, is injected into places where there is hair loss. It stimulates cell regeneration in regions of hair loss because it includes growth hormones and proteins that promote tissue repair.

How Is PRP Used on the Face?

Blood is drawn from the patient and centrifuged for separation during the PRP procedure on the face. The application region is then anesthetized with local anesthetic. The application region is injected painlessly with extremely tiny and short needles. The therapy takes about 20-30 minutes on average.

Male and female patients who desire to enhance the quality of their facial skin and revitalize it can benefit from the facial PRP therapy. Benefits such as improving the skin quality of the face, renewing the facial skin, treating acne scars, reducing sun damage on the skin, tightening and reducing facial pores, reducing facial spots, treating under-eye bruises, revitalizing and tightening the facial skin, and treating stretch marks and scars can be obtained in this manner.

Following the injection of PRP into the face, the facial healing mechanism begins to function, and first and foremost, the skin’s vitality and brightness are noted. Tightening of the skin and decrease in fine wrinkles occur when the enhanced collagen, elastin fibers, and vascularization impact become apparent in the period after treatment.

Interesting about PRP?

interesting aboutt prp

PRP can be used to rejuvenate the face, cheeks, neck, décolleté, wrinkles around the eyes, mid-face area, chest, and hands. PRP therapy on the face improves blood circulation, increases collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis layer, fills fine wrinkles and lines, and moisturizes deep lines on the face.

The person’s everyday life is not disrupted following the PRP application. There is no unfavorable perspective that will have an impact on his social or professional life. Small and brief redness and bruising induced by injection may occur in the application region in some situations. These adverse effects can be alleviated by applying ice to the injection site or using lotions containing vitamin K.

The application has no negative effects because PRP is taken from the patient’s own blood. It is not possible for it to come into touch with external influences since it is covered with unique materials. As a result, the patient avoids an unfavorable circumstance such as tissue rejection, infection, or an allergic response.

Although the results of PRP injection are noticeable between 3 and 5 weeks, complete healing begins and lasts between 4 and 7 weeks.


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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