how much does liposuction cost
  • by Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi
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how much does liposuction cost

Liposuction is frequently used to remove stubborn fat that accumulates in different parts of the body and resists regular diet and sports. With this procedure, the fat cells in the application area are permanently removed. Since there is no increase in the number of fat cells in the body after puberty, the results of the liposuction procedure are permanent as long as weight control is achieved. 

Liposuction prices may vary depending on the application area, the width of the application area and some other factors. For this reason, it would be much more accurate to determine the procedure’s cost after the patient-specific examination.

The liposuction procedure is an effective method for removing disproportionate fat deposits, especially in the abdomen and hip area. However, liposuction should not be considered as a weight loss method. People who will undergo liposuction should be at or close to their ideal weight, but have persistent regional lipoidosis. We expect from patients with excess weight first reaching a weight close to their ideal weight, and then consider having a liposuction.

Who Are Eligible for Liposuction?

Liposuction procedure is a body shaping method applied to remove stubborn fat deposits in people who have a sedentary lifestyle and wrong eating habits. Hips, lower abdomen, hips, knees, belly, and jowl are among the parts of the body where removing body fat is the most difficult. With the liposuction method applied to remove fat resistant to regular sports and diet, we use different techniques to remove the fats in the application area. 

Liposuction can be applied to people over the age of 18, who are at or close to their ideal weight, and who have good skin elasticity. We determine whether the application can be performed on case-by-case basis, and body mass index is an important factor at this stage. 

Thanks to the liposuction method, the body curves of the person are made more prominent and a thinner appearance is obtained. The patient whose body lines are thinned will have a smoother body. People who have weight problems other than regional fats that are resistant to regular sports and diet should first get rid of their excess weight by applying diet and sports programs under the supervision of a doctor. With the liposuction treatment that can be applied after this stage, it may be possible to remove stubborn fat deposits from the person’s body.

The person who will undergo the liposuction procedure should be generally healthy. Before liposuction is applied to heart patients, diabetes patients, those with metabolic diseases, and those who are sensitive to anesthesia, detailed examinations and tests should be performed to determine the possible risks and decide on a patient-specific basis. Pregnant a breastfeeding women are not eligible for having a  Liposuction.  In cases where body elasticity is damaged and the skin is emptied in people who lose weight too tightly, it would be a better choice to apply aesthetic surgical procedures for the recovery of the skin instead of liposuction. In order to obtain successful results from the liposuction procedure, the skin quality of the patient to be treated should be meticulously evaluated. 

How to Perform Liposuction?

how to perform liposuction

With the liposuction method, stubborn regional fat deposits are vacuumed out and removed from the body through cannulas. The form to be given to the application area is determined and the procedure is mostly performed under general anesthesia. 1.5-2 mm long incisions are made in the application area and cannulas are inserted into them. By gently moving the cannulas, stubborn fat build-ups are dislocated, fragmented, loosened and removed from the body. After the operation is completed, the incisions are left open for a while so that the fluid in the application area can flow out and edema formation is prevented, and then the stitches are removed. The liposuction area is tightly bandaged. The result to be obtained depends on many different factors including the person’s body mass index, skin quality and the expertise of the physician performing the application. Duration of the liposuction surgery may vary depending on the size of the area to be treated and how much fat will be removed.

Patients should use a specially produced corset for 15 days after liposuction. In this way, the application area is tightened and edema formation is prevented. It is also effective in preserving the shape of the formed area. The duration of use of corsets is determined by the characteristics of the patient and the amount of fat removed. Patients should rest for the first 3 days after liposuction surgery. Depending on the job and working conditions of the patient, it may be possible to return to work after the 3rd day. But this can be determined on case-by-case basis.

Bruising, swelling and edema in the liposuction area are considered as normal reactions. They improve in time. During recovery, patients should drink enough water, and apply a protein-heavy diet for greater fat loss. The variety and amount of the fat consumed should be considered. Saturated fats should be avoided and healthy fats should be included in the nutrition program. Please remember that consuming healthy grains will promote health and the healing process. Raw vegetables and salads with high fiber content should be included in every meal. Fruits, which play an important role in meeting the need for vitamins and minerals, should be consumed in a balanced way. Since foods with high salt content can increase edema, salt and salty foods should be reduced. 


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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