Facial Filler
  • by Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi
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Facial filler is one of the most preferred medical aesthetic procedures by people who want to have a younger and more lively appearance. Facial filler, which has become more popular in recent years, can be applied for many different reasons. Since facial filler is a non-surgical procedure, it is a highly effective method and provides a fuller, youthful and dynamic appearance. It is preferred by many people because the recovery process after the facial filler injection, which is applied in a short time, is comfortable. However, since the facial filler is not permanent, it needs to be repeated at certain intervals. 

What is Facial Filler?

Since substances that dissolve in the human body over time are used in facial filler injection, there is no harm in terms of health. Hyaluronic acid, which is the most commonly used filler for facial filler, is a natural substance found in the human body.

It is known that collagen production in human skin decreases as a natural consequence of aging. This leads to gaps, asymmetrical images, indentations and protrusions. Facial filler procedure can be applied to remove the resulting image and obtain a more aesthetic appearance.

Since the hyaluronic acid fillers used in facial fillers draw water from the body, they eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. It also plays an important role in replacing the volume loss. Generally, a single application is sufficient, but the procedure should be renewed as the effect of the application will end when the body absorbs the injected filler.

How is Facial Filler Performed?

Facial filler is considered an extremely effective alternative solution for people who do not prefer aesthetic interventions through surgical operations. The used facial filler, which is worn and changes due to aging, is one of the most effective methods of removing the asymmetrical appearance in the face area or filling the gaps. Facial filler, which has a low risk rate, must be applied by experienced professionals who are experts in the field. 

It is very important to perform a facial analysis before starting the facial filler. In this way, it is ensured that a filling compatible with the face shape of the person is performed and the most effective and natural result possible is achieved. 

Before the facial filler injection, anesthetic substance is applied by cream or injection and it is waited for having effect. Then the skin is cleaned using an antiseptic substance. Filling material is injected by penetrating the determined points in the application area. The filler, which is determined according to the preference and needs of the person, is applied along the wrinkle line in some cases, and in some cases it is injected to the desired areas to give shape or volume. 

Skin problems due to aging are caused by the loss of texture and volume in the skin. With filler injection, these losses are filled and the lines and wrinkles are supported with facial fillers and sagging is recovered. In addition, collagen production is also supported and a younger appearance is obtained after the effect wears off. Facial filler can also be applied to have a more defined face contour.

Healing Process After Facial Filler

Facial filler is a medical aesthetic procedure that provides a younger and more aesthetic appearance, and it has an extremely fast and comfortable healing process. Since a micro-injection is applied to the skin, short-term side effects occur, but these are simple and self-healing conditions that recover in a short time. 

The recovery process of the skin after the facial filler procedure varies according to which part of the face the filler is injected. After the filler injection for wrinkles around the eyes, recovery is achieved in approximately 3-7 days. Micro-needle-focused filling processes for the removal of crow’s feet take 1-3 days. There is a recovery period of 1-2 days in the filler injection for the removal of deep aging lines on the forehead or deep lines caused by facial expressions. The healing times of procedures performed on the lips and upper lip, cheeks and cheekbones may also differ from each other.

One of the possible side effects after facial filler injection is edema. After the facial filler procedure, plenty of water should be consumed to reduce swelling. Swelling usually resolves spontaneously within a week, and applying cold compresses is also an effective method. Facial filler procedure should not be applied after a skin disease or surgical operation. Fillers should not be injected into areas with herpes and similar skin problems. 

Aspirin and derivative blood thinners should not be taken for one week before and after the filler injection. For the first 2 hours after the injection, the patient should avoid drinking green tea, washing the skin and taking a shower. The application area should not be touched for the first 3 hours after the application. In order to apply procedures such as massage to the skin, a doctor’s approval must be obtained. On the first day, you should lie on your back using high pillows and keeping your head up whenever possible. On the day of the application, sports should not be done, sauna should be avoided as it may increase swelling, hair should not be dyed and eyebrows should not be plucked. At least 1 week should be waited for skin care.  Likewise, due to the possibility of infection, pool should be avoided for at least 3 days. Drinking alcohol should be limited because of the possibility of increasing edema.


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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