what is bbl surgery
  • by Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi
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what is bbl surgery

The shape and proportion of the hip is one of the most important factors of having a proportional body and aesthetic appearance. The hip, which is the other protruding area of the female body along with the breasts, does not only affect the posture. Having curves that are in harmony with the rest of the body also leads to an attractive look. However, many women are today uncomfortable with the fact that their hip is smaller, wider, lower, thinner, larger than they want, or the fact that they have excess hip weight. BBL is one of the most effective methods for women who want to have more vigorous, upright, fuller, rounded, cellulite-free and younger looking hips. BBL or Brazilian Butt Lift is applied by using special fat transfer techniques in order to achieve a fuller and rounder hip contour.

BBL, one of the most popular aesthetic procedures, is performed by means of a special fat transfer  to create more fullness in the hip area. Thanks to the BBL procedure, the size and shape of the hips can be increased and changed without a hip prosthesis. During the BBL, fat is removed from suitable parts of the patient’s body such as hips, waist, abdomen or thighs by liposuction method. This fat is injected to the butt to achieve the desired form. 

Brazilian butt lift can improve a person’s entire lower body proportions. Fat is taken from the problematic areas of the patient and injected into the designated areas to make the butt more prominent. Thus, proportional integrity between body lines can be achieved.

Why Is BBL Surgery Performed

Frequently preferred and providing effective results, BBL aims to create more fullness in the hips. Although BBL surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, local anesthesia may be used in cases where less volume of fat transfer is required. In this procedure, fat is removed from abdomen and thighs of the patient by means of liposuction. The removed fat cells are subjected to some processes and the processed fat is injected into certain areas of the butt. In this way, the desired round and fuller appearance can be achieved on the hips. After the incisions made for liposuction and fat transfer are closed, a compression garment is worn to minimize the risk of bleeding.

After BBL surgery, it is possible to achieve rounder and more natural-looking lines compared to other types of buttock aesthetics where silicone hip implants are used. BBL procedure may also be used to solve problems such as deformity and sagging due to aging.

The BBL procedure can be applied to people whose hips have lost their natural shape due to aging or weight fluctuations. The patient should be in good general health and not have any recent complications or infections. Meanwhile, it is one of the basic conditions sought to have enough fat in other parts of the patient’s body for fat transfer to be carried out.

BBL Helps You Get the Hips You’ve Always Wanted

bbl helps you get the hips

The BBL procedure provides the development of the lower body folds of the person and provides an aesthetic and proportional appearance. The procedure helps get the fullness on the hips. The body is shaped by reducing the fat in the butts, hips or abdomen. Thus, your clothes look better on you. Your hips get a lovelier appearance aesthetically. Upper and lower body balance is assured.

The patient should not take shower a couple of days after the BBL. The corset should be used for the period specified by the doctor, at least for 1-2 weeks. Patients usually return to their daily life on the 3rd day after BBL. Mild pain may be experienced after the application. Simple painkillers prescribed by the doctor can be used to relieve these pains. 

Again, swelling and bruising in the application area are considered normal. They improve shortly. Patients should take the utmost care in their sitting posture after the BBL procedure. It is very important not to sit directly on the hip in order not to encounter any negativity in the fat transfer process. During the specified time, direct pressure on the butt area should be avoided and should lie face down. 

Patients should consume at least 3 liters of water per day after BBL surgery which plays an important role in removing edema from the body. Patients also take care of their weight loss. Because in order to get the result obtained, the injected donor fat cells must be adhered to. In case of weight gain or loss, it is possible to encounter problems in the process of attachment of donor fat cells.

During the recovery period, brisk walking should not be done and heavy sports should be avoided during the period specified by the doctor. The fat injected during the application is evenly distributed throughout the body. Following the application, situations such as cellulite that may cause deterioration of the aesthetic appearance are not encountered. 

Fat cells that are transferred to the hip during BBL surgery and that do not dissolve remain in the application area for years. However, changes in weight can affect the appearance of the hips. In order to ensure the permanence of the result obtained, maximum attention should be paid to weight control. The result obtained can be clearly observed with the complete disappearance of edema in the application area and the completion of the healing process. 


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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