what is prp
  • by Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi
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what is prp

PRP therapy is a popular method for treating a variety of skin disorders in both men and women. PRP, which stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma Fluid, is an abbreviation for Platelet-Rich Plasma Fluid.

An average of 20 cc of blood is collected from the patient during the PRP treatment, which has a renewing impact on the skin. Rich plasma is prepared from platelet cells using a specific centrifuge apparatus. Platelet cells that have been obtained treat the tissue in a way that is similar to stem cells. The operation is carried out by injecting a plasma liquid rich in platelet cells, derived by processing the patient’s blood, into the region to be treated.

PRP is used to restore, rejuvenate, and tighten skin that has become wrinkled, worn, and lost its vitality owing to a variety of factors. Growth factors released by platelet cells aid in cell repair and wound healing. Another function of the growth factors that are produced is to sustain the skin by boosting the creation of collagen and new capillaries. PRP is an excellent treatment approach for skin rejuvenation, spot therapy, wound healing, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and hair loss owing to the advantages it gives.

PRP, which is particularly helpful in treating skin aging; it may be administered to regions of the body such as the neck, hair, face, appendix, and décolleté. Creases, wrinkles, and lifelessness in the aforementioned regions are decreased with PRP injection, and the skin develops elasticity and a brighter look.

What Does the PRP Application Contain?

Platelets, which are cells found in all individuals, are primarily responsible for blood coagulation. Platelet cells, which are found in an average of 300 thousand per milliliter of blood, play a crucial part in wound healing and wound cleansing. Its growth factors enable platelet cells’ cell repair abilities to operate.

In the therapy of PRP, the patient’s blood is processed and injected into the application area. The blood and platelet-rich plasma injected into the application region reduces skin issues in the needed area with the growth and repair components it contains throughout the skin rejuvenation process with PRP injection.

The person’s own blood is separated using centrifugation and filtration operations on a specific machine, exposing the platelet-rich portion of the blood. Using fine-tipped needles, the platelet-rich tissue is injected into the application site. Because local anesthetic is administered before to the surgery, which is carried out in a sterile environment, the patient feels no pain or discomfort.

When the PRP procedure is used, the skin is restored in its own natural process and utilizing its own mechanism. Collagen production is encouraged. An allergic response is not feasible since no external material is injected. Because it is a highly natural and side-effect-free approach, the individual may resume his or her normal activities following the PRP injection. Following the PRP injection, the application region may experience mild redness, swelling, bruising, and soreness. These situations, however, are quite mild and only last for a short time.

After the blood is collected and separated, it takes an average of 40-50 minutes for the PRP treatment to be injected into the application region. The PRP approach, on the other hand, has no conventional treatment plan, and the number of sessions is decided by the type of the disease to be addressed.

How Is PRP Produced?

how is prp produced

PRP is a medical aesthetic technique that is used to refresh the face and stimulate and rebuild collagen tissues. It is regarded one of the quickest applications that allows the skin to rejuvenate itself because it may be performed in less than an hour. After the injection, the majority of patients had more vivid, less sagging, and wrinkled skin.

A tiny amount of blood is drawn from the patient and centrifuged to prepare for PRP administration. The blood in the tubes is divided into its constituents as a result of this process. Red blood cells with an average of 200 thousand platelets per millimeter make up the separated portion. PRP gel with platelet density up to 1.5 million per millimeter is generated as a result of this technique. After that, the separated chemical is injected into the application regions to finish the therapy.

Although platelets have blood clotting activities, they also release secretions that can repair tissue injury. The collagen stimulation system is activated as a result of the injection, and natural growth factors that will repair the effects of tissue injury or aging are given to the affected area. Because each patient’s structure is unique, the number of treatments that should be used to get the optimum results may vary from one to the next.

PRP injection can be used on cheekbones, smile lines, and other regions where previous treatments have been performed. Collagen is activated as a result of the treatment, and the skin’s color and brightness are enhanced. The benefits of the PRP process are long-lasting. The procedure, which offers regenerative and restructuring benefits, is exceedingly simple and dependable.

There is no chance of infection or negative effects in this application since a kit containing the material derived from the patient’s own blood, as well as a disposable injection and tube, is utilized. PRP, a highly efficient wrinkle-removal treatment, can be given to the eyelids, cheeks, neck, and chin area, as well as the forehead. PRP has the advantage of being an incredibly effective anti-aging therapy due to the advantages it delivers.


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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