Where is Botox Performed?
  • by Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi
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Botox is a medical aesthetic procedure applied for the purpose of alleviating wrinkles and mimic lines on the skin, which become more pronounced with aging, to make them more obscure and faint, or even to eliminate them. Botox is not a one-time treatment, and the duration of permanence varies from person to person, but it is usually around 4-6 months. 

Although Botox is generally preferred by people over the age of 30, there is no definite lower limit for Botox, and this may vary according to the needs of the person. If wrinkles started at an earlier age, depending on personal characteristics such as muscle activities and skin structure, the Botox method can be applied in the 20s. However, the biggest advantage of Botox is its preventive effect on the mimic muscles that occur due to regular repetition and have the feature of making wrinkles.

What is Botox?

Botox, which is produced from a toxin that has a relaxing effect on the muscles, is synthetically isolated from taxine in laboratories with advanced technology and offered for use in the medical field. Botox, which has widespread use for aesthetic purposes, is also used in many different branches of medicine. Accordingly, it is known that Botox has been used effectively and safely for a long time in the treatment of spasms caused by various neurological diseases, in the treatment of strabismus or anal fissure treatments.

Botox is an effective medical aesthetic procedure that can be applied for the treatment and prevention of facial wrinkles or newly formed wrinkles. Botox procedure is also used in the treatment of platysma bands, which cause an aged expression on the neck. Botox is also a preferred method in the treatment of migraine due to its relaxing effect on the muscles. Another area where Botox injection is used is the treatment of excessive sweating. Botox prevents excessive sweat release from sweat glands and increases the comfort of life of the person.

Since Botox is considered to be in the drug class, it is only available for physician use today. Botox, which has a reversible temporary relaxing effect on muscle structures, can have very serious risks when applied incorrectly by non-competent people.

Although Botox application seems technically easy, it should be applied by careful and experienced doctors with detailed surgical anatomy. 

How is Botox Performed?

Botox procedure is a treatment applied to mimic muscles in the form of micro-injections with needles finer than hair. With Botox injection, muscle activities in the application area are temporarily blocked and wrinkle formation is prevented. Before the Botox application, the area to be treated is cleaned with a disinfectant solution. The procedure, in which micro-injections are made at the points determined specifically for the person, is completed in approximately 15-20 minutes. Botox applied under local anesthesia is not a painful treatment. 

Botox is not a one-time treatment, and has an average duration of action of 4-6 months. If it is repeated regularly, the permanence of the Botox treatment increases. In addition, it is known that in areas where muscle activity occurs intensely, such as the forehead, around the eyes and between the eyebrows, the wrinkles formed by controlled atrophy in the wrinkling parts of the muscles begin to appear.

With regularly repeated Botox injections, it is also possible to prevent newly formed lines that have not deepened but have the potential to deepen. Wrinkles that start to form in any area can develop very quickly due to the slowdown of collagen production in the fold areas of the skin with wrinkles. Botox, with its protective effect, is considered a precautionary measure before the development of such adverse conditions.

After the Botox injection, the application area should not be rubbed. Care should also be taken not to lie face down and not engage in excessive physical activity. After the application, hot applications such as sauna and Turkish bath should also be avoided. Likewise, care should be taken not to take blood thinners, green tea, Omega-3 and vitamin E after Botox injection. Blood thinners should be discontinued 7 days before Botox injection. 

The permanence of Botox treatment is adversely affected by factors such as the person’s metabolic rate, strong mimic muscles, frequent sports activities, hot water, Turkish bath and sauna habit, and frequent facial massage.

Since Botox is applied to the area where there are problems such as forehead wrinkles, mid-brow lines, wrinkles on the neck and lines around the eyes, if the existing wrinkles are deep, it does not instantly remove the lines of years. If it is repeated regularly, wrinkles first become less deep. They then fade and become indistinct. Allowing the muscle activity to recover and not regain its strength is the key.

Temporary redness may occur in the area where the Botox injection was made. If the capillary vessel is rarely encountered during the Botox treatment, bruising may occur. This bruise will go away in a few days. Botox injection usually shows its effect in 4-7 days, but the full effect occurs on the 14th day. It can be applied to anyone between the ages of 18-65 who does not have an obstacle to Botox application. If Botox injection is applied before the mimic lines are formed or deepened, then it may be possible for the treatment to be more successful.


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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