where to collect stem cells
  • by Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi
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where to collect stem cells

The immature precursor cells in the body are called stem cells. Stem cells that can transform into cells of another organ or tissue of the body can be described as stem cells found in the fetal stage of human life and called adult stem cells.

Stem cells are able to spontaneously settle in the growth medium and to multiply. In addition to their ability of self-renewal, they can transform into other types of cells or repair damaged tissues. Stem cells can be categorized according to their differentiation abilities as stem cells that can differentiate an unlimited number of times, those that can differentiate in a limited number of times and those that can differentiate in a single direction. Bone marrow, circulating stem cells and umbilical cord blood are the main sources of stem cells.

The spongy tissue in our body, where blood cells and defense system cells are made, is called bone marrow. Since the pelvis is the place where the bone marrow is most concentrated, it is generally preferred to obtain the bone marrow and stem cells from the pelvis. During the procedure, the patient is anesthetized and bone marrow is collected with special needles. The marrow, which is frozen in special bags after it is collected, is first brought to the appropriate temperature when it will be used.  The donated bone marrow goes to the recipient’s bone marrow and starts the process of making new cells.

Under normal conditions, the number of stem cells in the circulating blood is low. Before collecting stem cells from the blood, drugs are administered to the patient to stimulate the stem cells in the bone marrow. These drugs increase the number of stem cells and allow stem cells to take part in the circulation. After this process, the donor is attached to a special machine and stem cells are separated from the blood taken from the patient. The remaining blood returns to the donor, and the procedure is completed after several repetitions.

Stem cells obtained from umbilical cord blood play an important role in the treatment of diseases such as lymphoma and leukemia. A blood test is performed after the cord blood is collected from the baby’s umbilical cord and placenta. Frozen blood is stored in cord blood banks for future use in case of need. 

Questions About Facial Rejuvenation with Stem Cells

facial rejuvena with stem cells

It is almost everyone’s dream to stay young and always look younger than their age. Thanks to the developing technology, rejuvenation methods based on one’s own cells have increasingly been standing out. As a natural consequence of this, stem cells, which are frequently used in skin rejuvenation, are among the most valuable cells in the human body. Due to their structure, they can transform into healthy cells where they are located, and they can restructure and renew damaged cells.

In the treatment of facial rejuvenation with stem cells, stem cells collected from the patients are transplanted to them. Böylece hasar görmüş dokular ve hücreler yenilenir. Stem cells, which form the origin of all structures in the human body, are today accepted as an effective treatment method used in the treatment of many different diseases. 

Before stem cell treatment, we determine the treatment area and the amount of needed stem cells. Amount and quality of stem cells are very important for the application to be successful. In case of older patients, stem cell culture application may be needed. Under anesthesia, a piece of skin of the size of a lentil is collected from behind the ear and subjected to special procedures in the laboratory environment. It is set aside for 3 weeks before we obtain fibroblast stem cells.  Fibroblast Stem cells are injected into the skin using millimetric needles. 

Collected stem cells are injected to the determined application area under Fibroblast Stem cells are injected into the skin using millimetric needles. The procedure has no side effects, and the patients can continue their daily life from where they left off. 

Facial rejuvenation treatment with stem cells provides a much better improvement of the skin structure. As fine wrinkles can be opened thanks to this procedure, the face gets a younger look. This delays aging.  Also, since stem cell therapy is applied from the patient’s own cells, there is no risk of tissue rejection or allergy. Since the facial rejuvenation procedure with stem cells causes an increase in skin elasticity, it can recover facial sagging and provide a certain amount of stretching. With stem cell therapy, effective results can be obtained in many areas such as face, hands, neck and jowl, and also it is an effective method in scar treatments. 

Since stem cell therapy provides collagen production directly from fibroblast cells, it gives vitality, brightness and fullness to the face. It prevents the increase of wrinkles and increases dermal thickness and density by affecting the deep skin layers. Stem cell therapy, which increases the blood supply in the skin, triggers the repair ability of the skin. It ensures vitality and brightness. It performs the repair applications on the skin, eliminating the imbalances in the skin while reducing the blemishes. Stem cell therapy, which plays an important role in the skin’s smooth appearance, is a procedure that is also effective in tightening the skin. 

Due to all these features and benefits that we have mentioned, facial rejuvenation treatment with stem cells is considered to be a procedure with a very high mechanism of action. Stem cells complement the missing cells and tissues in the area by adapting to the cells and environments in the area they are in. They also increase the level of elasticity of the skin, as they support the increase of collagen production. Thanks to its skin restructuring properties, the patient has a brighter and more vibrant skin.


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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